In case, you need to re-install Daz Studio

Get few things ready!

In case, you have a problem with your PC & you need to Reset/ Re-install your PC
After Reset or Re-installing your PC, if you want to reinstall Daz Studio.
Bellow is a few & minimum list of products, you should install.

  1. Latest version of Daz Studio (e.g,4.10)
  2. PostgreSQL CMS (to connect)
  3. Default Resources for DAZ Studio 4.9+ (for shaders)
  4. Subsurface Shader Base (for shader mixer)
  5. dForce Starter Essentials (for dForce products)
  6. LAMH Player for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (for hair editing)
  7. Any Generation, you want to use. e.g, Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials (to get started)
First four products must be installed.
First two products must be installed in sequence/order.
Otherwise, products may not be visible in smart content/daz studio!

This are the basic things, you need to install.
You should install your favourite product, after installing this basic things.

Happy dazzling!
